Yayasan Plan International Indonesia (Plan Indonesia) provides emergency shelter tool and family hygiene kits to fill in the gap of aid to flood survivors in Jakarta, Bogor, Depok, Tangerang, Bekasi (Jabodetabek) and Karawang.

Plan Friends, a lot of people are still surrounded by floods in Jabodetabek area and Karawang.
Following days of heavy rain poured since last Friday (19/02), at least 13 locations were hit with flood in Jabodetabek and Karawang. The National Disaster Mitigation Agency (BNPB) reported that 46,772 families which consists of 176,157 people are affected, and 31,396 survivors were evacuated from their homes. It was reported on February 22nd that two people were missing and five casualties were occurred due to this flood. Several areas are also reported to be still flood-stricken, where the water levels reached up to 10-260 cm in Karawang and up to 40-250 centimetres (cm) in Bekasi.
Yayasan Plan International Indonesia (Plan Indonesia) acts swiftly to mitigate the situation. Alongside the national disaster cluster, BNPB, and the ASEAN Coordinating Centre for Humanitarian Assistance on Disaster Management (AHA Center), Plan Indonesia monitors the situation regularly and allocates the needed assistance to the flood survivors.
Following the Rapid Need Assessment conducted on February 22nd -23rd, Plan Indonesia will support filling the gap of aid to the flood survivors. Especially, for those located in Bekasi and Karawang, the two flood-stricken areas.
Among the aids to be provided are emergency shelter tool kit, which include tarpaulins, blankets, and mats. These tool kit are necessary to ensure proper temporary shelter for the survivors. More importantly, the risk of sexual harassment and transmission of viral disease could be minimised in the shelters.
Aside from that, Plan Indonesia will be providing family hygiene kits for the survivors, as well as medical and/or non-medical masks. Menstrual hygiene management kits will also be distributed for women and girls, and diapers will be provided for infants and the elderly. These sanitary kits are necessary to ensure the health of the survivors, especially as resources to clean water and sanitary are scarce in temporary shelters.
Plan Indonesia hopes that these aids will be beneficial in fulfilling the needs of the survivors. Plan Indonesia prioritizes the needs and protection of children and their families in the context of emergency response. In a situation that forces many to evacuate, children, women, and people with disabilities are susceptible to many threats, more so when proper sanitation, health care, and decent shelters are scarce.
In the following days, Plan Indonesia will be distributing the aid to impacted areas, in coordination with the national disaster cluster, AHA Centre, and BNPB.
Plan Indonesia also invites you to help the flood survivors. Let us pray that the flood will soon pass, and may families be reunited quickly and safely.